Monday, April 22, 2019

Employer's Duty of Care and Issues of Compensation Assignment - 1

Employers Duty of Care and Issues of Compensation - Assignment ExampleIf the instructions are not stated clearly, the employee may act in good faith to fulfill a particular duty of obedience. This should be done in a manner that is reasonable especially considering the living circumstances at that particular moment.Jake has been employed on a contract basis as sure auto mechanic at the Rally motors. This therefore means that Jake may perform any transmission line assigned to him by his employer provided the job is reasonable. Even as Jake performs the job assigned to him, he is aware of what is anticipate of him by the federal or state regulations. Basing on the movie, one can comfortably say that Jakes actions are within his scope of employment. The current job of oil change is, most homogeneously, not what Jake judge as he entered into an employment agreement with Herman. Instead it is a promotional offer invented by Herman to suck up more customers as he says that as the c ustomers cars are being serviced, the customers get a chance to interference out the new car models. So Jake may argue that as far as what is pass judgment of him in terms of standards is concerned, his actions are within his scope of employment (Goss, 2004).It may be argued that every employee has an certificate of indebtedness to perform his duties as directed by his employer. Such arguments may be as a depart shortsightedness in terms of the potential impacts it may have on the business in the future. In this case, for example, customers expect a fully serviced vehicle from the service department especially if the service personnel like Jake are certified. So, it is Jakes responsibility to do thorough service work on the customers vehicles and this includes checking and where possible service of process the tires, brakes and transmission as would be expected of a certified auto mechanic (Murolo & Chitty, 2001). This ensures that the vehicle is safe for driving by the custom er. If a vehicle from the service centre gets involved in an chance and the resultant

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